Browser Extension 💻 Win/Mac/Linux

Url Shortener Plus 📌

The best way to create a short urls 📌 using Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyUrl, and, and more 🚨

Shorten any link ⚡

Want to quickly shorten a url in one click? Then this is the extension for you 👑

Automatically copies url to clipboard 🚀

Just click the extension to shorten the current page URL or by right clicking on any link 😍

Generate QR code 📷

Shorten the page/selected URL (TinyURL) 🔎
Shortern URL using services 💣

Non-intrusive in the App icon

URL Shortener

News Tips and Tricks


URL Shortener Plus

Visit the WebStore, Webstore

URL Shortener Plus

Visit the Add-ons, Add-ons

URL Shortener Plus

Visit the Add-ons, Add-ons

URL Shortener Plus


v5.67- 02/06/2024

📚 Google API to generate QRCode was shut down. Replaced by internal JS library that will work forever. Feature to QECode link with smartphone camera.
⚡ Updated Jquery from 3.6.4 to 3.7.1


v5.6 28/03/2024
🔗 Fixed Chrome links for the new WebStore Link format from to =>
📰 Auto-copy to clipboard the short-URL when Extension opens. Make extension easier and faster to use
🐞 Some bugfixes and improvements
v5.5 – 10/02/2024
🚧 Updated performance and bugfixes.
v5.4 – 10/04/2023
🧊 Manifest V3: Mv3💎
🚧 Updated Jquery library to v3.6.4
🚨 Updated IntroJs library to v6.0.0
😁 Updated Jquery-ContextMenu library to v2.9.2
💬 Updated Toastr library to v2.1.4
v5.1 – 16/05/2022
🧊 Fixes some bugs and performance improvements.
💣 Fixed some interface issues.
🚧 Major improvements on Edge and Firefox browser extension
💎 Use Firefox or Edge Browser for the best performance and latest features 💎
v5.0 – 22/04/2020
🚨Google Chrome Users🚨
💣 This is the new generation of the extension that starts at V5.0. If you have an older version than this, please remove it and add this extension.
🤴 This new version is the one that will be supported from now on. The older versions will not be supported anymore and is not available anymore in the Store.
😍 Install this new version.
v1.0 – 19/07/2019
🚨 First Release.


Browser Extension 💻 Win/Mac/Linux
  • notifications” – Used to send desktop notification. For example when App is updated.
  • contextMenus” – Allow to add more settings when right click in the App icon in the browser toolbar and browser context menu.
  • storage” – Used to save settings on your local computer.
  • unlimitedStorage” – Storage is limited to 5MB of data that may not be enough to store all configs.
  • webRequest” & “webRequestBlocking” – May be used to intercept some requests on the requested page in order to be able to provide the shortening capability.
  • tabs” – Used when the App is not in Popup mode to read the page URL in order to shorten it.
  • all_urls” – We cannot predict ahead of time witch hosts/domains the user want to shorten. The extension is capable to shorten any link/url/domain.
  • 🐗 #OinkAndStuff is certified as 100% Free of malware 🐞 by Softpedia Labs 🔬