Browser Extension πŸ’» Win/Mac/Linux


Fast switching 🚨

Access to multi messengers in a single App 😱 The state is kept when switching between Apps 🚧


Unified Messenger πŸ¦‡

This Chat Multi Messenger allows to fast switch between all the Web Messengers 🚨 You can enable/disable the Chat Apps that you want to be active πŸ”₯

Messaging πŸ’§

Access to your News Feed, Chats, Notifications just like in the face website but in a clean, simple and compact interface πŸ‘“


Message πŸ“·

Like, comment and browse photos with your friends πŸ’Ώ
See the news feed and your friends profile 🌝 No need to use your smartphone to see and comment your friends pictures.


Texting πŸ’¬

Text with your friends on your computer ⭐ Full featured, clean and intuitive interface.
You have full access to all chats but in a minimalist interface for fast access πŸ›΄


Multi messenger πŸ€“

Available Messengers: Telegram, TikTok, Linkedin, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Slack, Hangouts, Android Messages, Tinder, Youtube, Skype πŸ‘‘


Chat πŸ”₯

More available Messengers: Line, Slack, WeChat, Wire, Zalo, Grape, DingTalk, Yahoo, HipChat, CrewMsn 😍

Real-time non-intrusive notifications in the App icon πŸ“Œ

Support real-time notifications ⭐πŸ₯Š

Real-time status of each social media inside the App πŸ‘‘

Social Media with: messages/notifications/requests show tainted in orange πŸ›‘ in the icon inside the App window πŸŒƒ


Chat Multi Messenger

Visit the Add-ons, Add-ons

Chat Multi Messenger

Visit the Add-ons, Add-ons

Chat Multi Messenger

Visit the WebStore, Webstore

Chat Multi Messenger

Visit the Add-ons, Add-ons

Chat Multi Messenger


v5.8 - 03/06/2024

πŸ’» Moved TikTok, Android Messages and Telegram to new Window
🐞 Bugfixes and performance improvements


v5.7 – 25/03/2024
πŸ”— Fixed Chrome links for the new WebStore Link format from to =>
πŸ’» Fixed window size that was getting bounds.height instead of workArea.height. The window was resized behind Windows and MacOs taskbar. Now it will get the available working area of the screen and the Extension window will be more perfectly positioned πŸ‘
🐞 Some bugfixes and improvements
v5.6 – 21/02/2024
πŸ”¨ Bugfixes and updated performance.
v5.5 – 25/09/2023
🐀Twitter is now updated to X ❌
πŸ’¬ Fixed Telegram
πŸ”¨ Speed bump
v5.4 – 28/03/2023
🚧 Updated Jquery library to v3.6.4
🚨 Updated IntroJs library to v6.0.0
😁 Updated Jquery-ContextMenu library to v2.9.2
πŸ’¬ Updated Toastr library to v2.1.4
v5.3 – 01/02/2023
πŸ’Ž Edge and Chrome versions: New interface more stable, more options.
🚧 Open any Messenger in a new windows in case of issues by clicking on the arrow next to the icon.
🚨 Added Reddit, Snapchat and fixed others.
😁 Improved TikTok.
🚲 Now using Manifest V3 for better performance and stability.
πŸ’£ Fixed Notifications.
v5.2 – 16/11/2020
πŸ˜‡ Numerous bugfixes and performance improvements.
πŸ’£ Fixed Notifications.
v5.1 – 15/07/2020
🚨 TikTok included to the choice list
πŸ’£ Fixed false alert badge
v5.0 – 16/04/2020
😍 Install this new version.
v1.6 – 15/03/2020
🚨 Slack: Now slack will open on a separate window, making it usable.
⭐ Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
v1.5 – 16/10/2019
🚨 Performance improvements
❌ Now you can close or reload opened Tabs/Apps for performance and memory control
πŸ”₯ Right click on the side bar on a opened app and a popup will show with those options
⭐ Lots of improvements
v1.4 – 27/09/2019
πŸ’£ First Release.


Browser Extension πŸ’» Win/Mac/Linux
  • notifications” – Used to send desktop notification. For example when a new message arrive or App is updated.
  • contextMenus” – Allow to add more settings when right click in the App icon in the browser toolbar and browser context menu.
  • storage” – Used to save settings on your local computer.
  • unlimitedStorage” – Storage is limited to 5MB of data that may not be enough to store all configs.
  • webNavigation” – The extension uses iframes to allow fast switch between the social media sites. webNavigation is used to control those iframes and know the timing to insert css or js into the iframe.
  • webRequest” & “webRequestBlocking” – Used to intercept some requests and modify x-frame-options or user-agent in order to provide you the mobile/smartphone version of the apps (lighter, faster, less internet consumption and run as Sidebar) and also run the webpages in a background iframe (so that you can have real-time silent notifications in the App icon on the browser toolbar as a badge counter).
  • all_urls” – We cannot predict ahead of time witch hosts/domains we must modify in order to provide the desired functionality detailed in the webRequest permission. It also allows that you can share content (links or text) from other pages directly to inside the App and send a messages from various social media to a friend for example. Also used to allow intercommunication with other oinkandstuff Apps (i.e. Emoji keyboard).
  • πŸ— #OinkAndStuff is certified as 100% Free of malware 🐞 by Softpedia Labs πŸ”¬